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(702) 733-9800
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401 S. Maryland Parkway

Give OUT Day, an annual fundraising event that takes place during Pride Month, offers a unique opportunity for organizations to raise funds, increase visibility, and mobilize support. It serves as a platform to empower LGBTQIA+ organizations and connect them with allies who believe in their mission.

Since 2013, Give OUT Day has helped hundreds of nonprofits raise millions of dollars. By participating in Give OUT Day, The Center aims to amplify its impact and secure the necessary resources to continue serving the community.

How to Get Involved

There are numerous ways to support The Center during Give OUT Day and beyond. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Make a Donation: Visit our Give OUT Day page to make a financial contribution. Every dollar counts and can make a significant impact on the lives of LGBTQIA+ individuals in Southern Nevada.

  • Spread the Word: Utilize your social media platforms to raise awareness about Give OUT Day and The Center. Share our mission, stories of impact, and information about how others can contribute.

  • Volunteer: Offer your time and skills by volunteering at The Center. Whether it's assisting with events, mentoring LGBTQIA+ youth, or providing support at their resource center, your involvement can make a meaningful difference.  

The Power of Fundraising

Fundraising plays a crucial role in sustaining The Center’s operations and expanding its reach. With the funds raised during Give OUT Day, the center can enhance its existing programs, develop new initiatives, and ensure a broader range of services. Whether it's organizing educational workshops, or offering mental health support, The Center's efforts rely on the generosity and support of the community.

We are grateful for your generosity and your support is needed now more than ever.